Monday, January 08, 2007

Last Friday-----5/01/07

Last Friday, i almost slack the whole day,not doing anything! Just before i knock off for work, my senior suddenly ask me to help him in preparing NYDB media, i was kinda of happy and at the same time 'sian' cause it is almost time to go back. Anyway, i did stayed back and help out by washing the conical flasks needed which is abt 10 conical flasks and some other glassware which were needed. Observe him weighing the ingredients needed for the media, it is a lot as he wanted to make 2 litres of the media. In this institute of botany, people use weighing paper to weigh their chemicals, i notice it is not so good as it spills easily if the chemicals you weigh are too much like 10g-20g, the weighing paper is way to small. Anyway, this is what i observe. Also their anaytical balance are so dirty and filled with a bit of rust. Wonder how they publish their articles worldwide and experiments done, the results are so accurate and right. Anyway, my senior and i work till abt 6pm that day and the whole department had went for dinner already. We were the only 2 guys left that evening. After that, the four of us except feng xian went to eat dinner together. Feng xian couldn't make it as her experiment needed 3 hours to do and she started only like at 4.50pm. After dinner, the 4 of us went back to the room for a while before something bad happen which is kelly's hp dropped into the toilet bowl and she and shao wen were busy in retriving the hp. After that, shao wen went back to the lab to look for feng xian. Kelly also went back to the lab to do some cleaning duties. So left with the 2 guys in the room, We play computer games till the girls came back like at abt 11.30pm only. Yah, that's the day and happenings of this day!!!

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