Monday, April 05, 2010

Starting work soon..............

I guess after 1 month holiday from school, i finally got myself a job as a ride operator in universal studios singapore. Will be starting the job officially tomo, Revenge of the mummy which is a indoor roller coaster ride. Feeling a bit nervous though as it is been a long time since i work, almost like 3 years or so. I guess may not be facing the crowd as soon as i will need to complete so on the job training first. I will be working on tues, wed, thur, sat and sunday this week. It is 5 days lol! A bit sian though. Anyway, i hope i will be able to adapt back to working life as soon as possible ba.With the holidays ending in 2 weeks, work in universal studios will be confined to weekends and public holidays only. Anyway, i will need to submit my new availability form for work tomo when i start i guess.

Holidays ending also means 1 thing is coming which is my birthday, the last day of sch holidays for this year. I guess will be still going to universal studios on my birthday, it will be by far the most expensive birthday i will spend and should be the first time, my birthday will be so expensive. Anyway, hope it will be a well spent day at USS in sentosa ba!!! After all, it is my birthday. Any surprises this year? I don know i guess. Looking forward to it though!!!!!!

It's been quite a long school holiday i guess. Anyway, we are coming to an end of it as school is starting in 2 weeks. Just found out abt my timetable for the new semester, i guess it is something that i expected as an SP student. Since the timetable is out, i guess i will be choosing my GEMs module either on a tuesday morning or friday afternoon as i will be finishing at 6pm during both of the days so might as well put the timeslot to good use then.

Will update again!! Stayed tuned guys!!!!!!

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