Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas week.................................
It is a long weekend install for us in this december. For this long christmas weekend, i almost went out everyday. i book out on christmas eve on last wednesday afternoon. For thursday which is christmas itself, i went out with my ite friends of ah kiong, lijin and calvin. Ah kiong and i met up first at abt 3pm. We met up and had lunch before calvin and lijin joined us at abt 5.30pm. Found out the reason why they were so late cause at first i thought we were meeting up at abt 3-4pm. Lijin went to a saloon in orchard to get her haircut done. Anyway, we went window shopping in vivo for a while before checking out on a advertisement on a steamboat buffet featuring the shop in a rather deserted place in vivo which is a corner behind 'DAISO' departmental store. Went to take a look there and decided to have our dinner over there. Not too bad a place, just that the seafood found there are not very fresh. Example is the prawns are frozen and very soft. Anyway, still quite filling as i had my fair share of food there. On Friday, went out with a group of army friends for a ktv session at K-box from 12-3pm. After that, went to beach road with them as 2 of us wanted to buy some army stuffs. After that, we went to bugis where we play in game arcade and after that settle our dinner in the food court in bugis junction. For saturday, nothing much so stayed home and play computer games plus NDS. But in the night, went out with my family to have our dinner at hougang point. It's been a long while since i went there. Anyway, not a very gd dinner there as there are not a lot of nice food stalls there. Yesterday which is sunday went out with ah kiong to watch the movie transporter 3. Not a big screen as it is on sneak preview only. Anyway, a nice movie to watch for the action and drama in it. I also bought the bao qing tian 2008 part 2 which recently released. Bought it at blue max at $15. Then, in the evening after the movie, we went to SMU and traded pokemon using our NDS there before heading back home. Today going to book in. Normal routinue, just that i am feeling not too good today due to cough, sore throat and a bit of flu. Will update again...............
Monday, December 22, 2008
A long weekend cause of clearing leave for me.........
Came out on thursday night after doing nothing the whole day BUT area cleaning. Anyway, i think our csm is mad that day. Anyway, reach home abt 10pm that day. Friday was a BBQ planned by my sec friends. So i went for it and met them at abt 5pm. Together we bought the bbq food and utensils. Then, we waited for the latest person to meet us there which is jeremy before heading to east coast park, taking taxi as we had the bbq stuffs to bring over. We started the bbq at abt 6pm and spent the time in the park eating. Another of my sec friend then joined us at abt 7.30pm as he went to gym and was riding motorbike. Anyway, the rest of the time besides bbq, we were playing poker cards. Play with a bit of money, abt 10-20 cents before we decided to go home at abt 12.30am. Saleh sent me home since we live close to one another, while the others took a cab home as they live in the same area. Anyway, that night's food was a bit strange and the next morning i sort of had a small stomachache. But i still went out in that saturday afternoon with ah kiong. We met at abt 4pm and ate lunch at far east plaza KFC. After that, we shopped around orchard as i was looking for a christmas present for the companymate i was supposed to give. Found the ideal gift at TAKA, bought it and went to plaza singapura looking for wrapping paper. Didn't found it so i decided to buy it another time. After that, went to chinatown to look for dinner there as there are more choices available. I was left with $2 at that time. So we went to the hawker centre that is reopen and found a $2 roasted duck rice stall. Decided to eat at that stall BUT i ate roasted pork rice instead at the same price. Anyway, after that went home. Also ah kiong bought for me a christmas present, a NDS game. This is the second time he bought for me a NDS game lol. Thanks a lot. A bit awkward for me as i hardly give him any presents. Anyway, nothing much to say as i think people who understands me best know my character has to do with this. Sunday afternoon went to aunt's house a few blocks away to celebrate my cousin's birthday. She had a lunch buffet there and i spent a gd afternoon with my relatives there. Came back before the soccer match between singapore and vietnam which was shown on channel 5 live. Disappointing results as singapore crushed out of the tournment. Anyway, nothing much for today. Booking in only today as i am on leave. Going back to camp lol. Will update again!!! Bye......
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Another week......................
Another week passed, this is a 4 day week cause of hari raya. Anyway, it started from tuesday, where we prepared a logistics inspection next week. It is a busy week for most of the platoons as our whole company prepared for this. For HQ platoon, i guess for me, i am quite ok. maybe because i got all the simpler tasks ba. Nothing much happen in camp i guess. Tomo going for second combat shoot in this year. Boring for most of us cause have to shoot, then later still must clean the weapon. For weekend, i guess it is the normal routine for me. Saturday and sunday only ma. Because of the shoot tomo, have to book in earlier so sian lol. Anyway, yesterday went out with ah kiong and i bought a nds game at ps to play on my nds lite. Before that, went to meet the insurance agent to resign the policy which i sign for before meeting ah kiong at national library. Nothing for yesterday i guess. And ya i forgot to bring in soap last week and was borrowing soap from my bunkmate for the week. So awkward as i use his bathing stuffs for the whole of last week until i got to buy it on friday afternoon cause e-mart only open on friday last week. Today, it is the same. I not going to repeat i guess. It is almost the same. Haha! Will update again! Bye!!!!
Monday, December 08, 2008
Long time again.................................
It's been a long while, 2 weeks since i updated my blog i guess. Ok, the last post was before i went to a 4 days 3 nights outfield. For that outfield, was ok with enough rest for us(the troops) each night i would say. Anyway, things was quite ok as i bought bread for the 4 days of hell in the field. We wouldn't have such luxury when doing the actual evaluation i guess, surely the rest time wouldn't be that much because it is a mock war situation and in war, we fight and kill or be killed. Ya, it is great since the outfield is over as our company had a long weekend after the outfield with us clearing 2 days of leave on the following monday and tuesday. Last week, since it is a long weekend for me. Quite glad since it is well spent. On saturday, as usual went to meet ah kiong. Sunday went to meet some of my army friends for steamboat buffet in the evening. Before that, met up with 1 of them and went to expo for the IT fair there. For the buffet, it was good with the price of $15 except it doesn't come with drinks. First time actually went to meet army friends during a weekend. Ok lah cause this bunch of my army friends were closer although not from my platoon but known them as they were my ex-platoon 6 mates. Sometimes, also a good experience to come out with them. Monday went to settle my bank matters with 1 of my army friend who also wanted to open a UOB account. After that, i went with him to suntec city to take a look at the remote contolled cars which i was encouraged to buy by my bunkmates as they were also buying to play along. Bought 2 of those at Carrefour supermarket and found it was not so good. Good price= good quality i think. After that, saw another 3 of my army friends at Suntec when i was paying for the cars. We then went to play games at the arcade and had dinner before going home that day. For tuesday since it is a book in day, the normal routine for me resume as i prepare to go back camp that night except i brought back one of the cheaper cars back camp that night. For events last week, since it is short week, for wednesday i was assigned to help the armskote settle some things for some check. Thursday, nothing much except for the cohesion dinner and BBQ night. Enjoy quite a bit and great night i would say. Friday was short day as from morning we had a NE tour to the same places as the one in last feb. Anyway, we were released at 1pm after the tour. After, 1 of my army friend and i went to suntec to walk abt but before that was stop by a prudential company agent and i bought a plan of 25 years with yearly having to paid $870. Anyway, could save me a lot of the money by then although it is going to be a long wait i guess. This week was another long weekend because of hari raya. For saturday, went out with ah kiong. Later met lijin and calvin after she finished work at 7pm at tiong bahru plaza. Went for dinner at chinatown and after that we walk around before going home at abt 9.30pm. As for yesterday, went to visit my grandma with my cousin and brother as usual. Spent the day and catch up with my grandma and cousin. Great day spent i would say as usual. Today, nothing much. In the afternoon, went to tampines for lunch and to toy-r-us to buy another remote controlled car. I thought quality would be better but i guess it is almost the same. Time running out for me again! See you guys again!!!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
This week.........................................
It is a normal and peaceful week in camp as we prepared for next week's outfield training of 4 days and 3 nights. Anyway, nothing much really happen. We had OC parade on tuesday and found out that OC like parades like this and told us, he would try to plan every month to have one much to everyone's dismay as we will need to prepare our smartest uniform to wear for every month then. Anyway, as soldiers esp. NSFs, we don't really like parades. Since it is a normal week without much training, there's a stand by bed that week by one of the platoon sergeants. Don't know is reason for that But anyway. Nothing much i guess he just wanted to check and wanted us to pack our cupboards. Ya, this week, my 84mm section of 5 men book out on a saturday early morning at a 7am as we had live firing of the GPMG which is a multi-shot machine gun. Most of us were very sian as we couldn't book out on friday after the live firing as instructed by our company 2IC to clean arms after we came back at abt 1.30am. That day, i slept at a 3am and slept only less than 4 hours. I reach home on saturday morning at 9am after eating mcdonalds' breakfast opposite my house. Reach home, bathe and sleep for abt 2 hours before waking up and went for lunch at abt 2plus. So what's for the rest of yesterday? I went and met up with my secondary friends at vivocity at abt 5pm. We had dinner and chit-chatted till abt 9pm before going home. So it is a short weekend for me this week. Anyway, today going to book in again. Same routine for today i guess. Just that the thought of outfield training next week sucks. It is not a short one lol. Looking forward to a long weekend next week as leave is planned for us. Will be struggling just to pass this week's training i guess. Definitely would be tough i guess. See you guys next update! BYE!!!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
ATEC stage 1 week......................
It is ATEC stage 1 week in camp for me this week. Anyway, i wasn't much involve except helping out in the stores on the first day of ATEC which is tuesday. By the end of the week, on thursday night, we got the results of ATEC stage 1 which is the best record any unit would have had which is Redcon 1. The top band of the so-called exam of my ns life. Anyway, although i was not really involved in stage 1. Now moving on to stage 2 where the whole unit would be involved one way or another. This would be the outfield exam for us, a very different kind of exam where it would test esp. the commanders and troopers in the battalion for fighting a group of trained enemies in the field. Abt these, i would very much be involved in it during start of march which is the first week. The overall exam for a unit like mine. But before that, starting of january, we will start doing our outfield practice for the march final exam. The tough training will get going in gear to it's max again. But before next year starts, i will be having a 4 days 3 nights field camp during the last week of november this month. Anyway, after that i will be enjoying during the month of december. Hopefully, this last week of this month will pass quickly as it will be hell to me. Ok, moving on to this so-called long weekend that i had spent. Thursday night book out, after that, went home as friday night having battalion annual dinner and half leave was taken from us. In the morning of friday went to my specialist appointment at AH. Nothing much as i should have recovered, just a normal appointment i guess. Shouldn't have any appointments i guess if my ankle problem does not come back. After that, went home in the afternoon to rest for the night where i travel back to the west in jurong east where the dinner is held at CHERVONS again. No different from last year i guess, just that the food sucks more this year. Had lucky draw but didn't win anything as usual. After that, went home. Saturday, went to watch high school musical 3 at tiong bahru plaza with ah kiong. Met for lunch at 3 plus before the movie which was screened at abt 4.30pm. After that, walk around before heading to marina to see the food and electronics fair at suntec city. Reach suntec city abt 6.45pm, went for the food and electronics fair, after that went to walk at the book fair as well at level 6. Nothing much after that, because abt 8.30pm lol. Went to TS to look at cds before we spilt for home. Update again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Normal week..............................
This week in camp, it was abt victory challenge and a mock test for ATEC stage 1. From monday, the victory challenge started and ended off with a champions' challenge on thursday. Our company lose by a margin as explain by our OC after the results was announced. Anyway, we still had nights' out on that very night. We still have everything to gain anyway. Seems like i spent a lot this weekend lol. Thursday night spent, friday also spent! Not mentioning yesterday, had buffet dinner at sakura in orchard road which spent 30 dollars that night, just for the dinner alone. Anyway, close to abt 60 dollars for one weekend huh. Isn't this expensive weekend for me? Ya, anyway abt yesterday before meeting calvin and lijin in the night. Ah kiong and i went to jb to watch the latest 007 movie in the afternoon since we had limited time as we had to meet calvin and lijin in the night. The movie was not too bad with action almost in every scene. Abt the yesterday night, we were talking and eating until the very end as usual. I sort of started to get in the atmosphere and talk a lot of 'true' things abt myself i guess. Anyway, all of us had a good laugh because of me. Cause who are i? The Great LYC! Haha! Anyway, in my heart, i always tell myself no other guys are more handsome than me and i really felt so. Ya, although this might sound like a joke but it is really a confidence booster for me to do things ba! I think now maybe some people might think i am really thick-skin .But anyway, let's see how it goes in the future ba. Haha! Sometimes, being a bit thick-skin, isn't too bad after all. i think maybe i learned this by a friend of mine named 'LIJIN'. Haha! thanks a lot. Different people, different character But when they mixed together for some time, they will have some similar characteristics in some form ba! Haha, praising yourself up to the sky sometimes, is a wondeful feeling! So happy yesterday, well spent time with my friends. Got to love it! Today, normal routine resumes! Got to go for lunch now. Further updates next week!!!!!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
This week............................
Next week is back to 5-day normal work week after the long deepvali weekend. Anyway, this week a bit stress cause last week to practice for my upcoming test for my heavy weapon that i am using and specialised in. Next week is the mock test and after that week will be the actual thing for my unit already. I am a bit scared cause if the testers ask me to do. And if i stumble, it will affect the whole unit's results. Anyway, that's this week. It is over. Don't feel like thinking so much. This week also got night's out, first in a month i guess. Anyway, to my weekend i guess. This weekend is so packed i think. On saturday, met 2 groups of friends. In the morning, went to jb with friends for a malaysia trip where we bought dvds and ate pizza hut over. We left for singapore abt 2pm and i went straight to marina square from woodlands bus interchange by taking bus 960. It was a long trip and i got to rest and slept on the bus. When i reach there, all my sec friends had reach. Anyway, we then discuss and watch the movie named 'REC'. It is a movie in spanish and to me, the movie just sucks. I thought it didn't look like a movie and is a waste of money lol. Anyway, we came out after the movie and hang out talking and catching up with one another. After we went home and i reach home abt 10.30pm. Slept abt 11.30pm before waking early for sunday which is today where i met up with 2 of my army friends at east coast park. Supposed to meet at 9am, although i was a bit late but i am still the earliest lol. Anyway, we then rent bicycles and skates. 2 of us with bicycles and 1 with the skates. We rented for 2 hours and after that went for lunch before leaving for home at abt 1pm. One of friends followed me in taking shuttle bus to sengkang before we leave fro different places. i reach home at abt 2pm today and rested for 1 hour 30 mins before i was woken up by a friend mgs. Then i play FIFA 07 till 6.30pm before typing this blog. That's all folk. Time is rushing me!!! BYE!!!!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
A bit different for this weekend.................
Suppose to be a bit packed this weekend but......... Ya, anyway today suppose to meet up with my sec friends but i mgs him in the morning and ask him. He reply with a wait. So i waited and waited cause normally we would go out quite late anyway. So in the end waited till i went for lunch and continued waiting until i got tired and went to took a nap till 7plus. In the end, i realise i was not going out after all. A bit sian but long time since i met up with them. I guess i wasted 1 of my weekend. Should had got to my grandma's today. Anyway, going to grandma's place with my cousin tomo and straight after back to camp after this so-called long deepavali weekend. So typing this blog today instead of the usual booking in day. That's why this post is named this way. Also been 1 month since i went to visit my grandma, it's high time i guess. I guess i am quite looking forward to it ba. As for yesterday, went out with ah kiong and kenny where we watch '20th century boys' movie at GV vivocity. Also a long time since i watch movie there. Therefore, i suggested to watch it there. At first, supposed to be watching painted skin BUT kenny didn't want to watch it so we changed the movie. Before that, we met up at chinatown to eat and walk about. For this week in camp, gone outfield for most of the week. Either to help in the stores or as enemies to support the training as the different platoons went outfield for the various days. So sian lol, actually this thing is also planned for us last minute and actually only my 84mm section was arrow instead of my platoon. I feel it was so unfair for us as things were arranged so last minute like just few days before the outfield. And only 84mm section was asked to help out in the stores but the platoon. Anyway, life's never fair! Not different from outside i guess, life is always the same, hard to be fair. Army even worse, sometimes they don even try to make things fairer. Conclusion for this statement is army really sucks, it sucks among the 3 national service offered for us. See you guys again!!! Haha!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A week starting for weapons training till nov............
A month long training had started for me after a long weekend. i went back to camp on monday nite. Tuesday started on my month long training for my specialised weapon till mid nov where i might be tested for the various tests of the weapon. Anyway, i was quite stress for this week ba, although it is the first week, i am also feeling the stress. It is like the stress when taking exams but it is in practical form only. Anyway, now my bunk started having problems after the heli-borne live task till now. Luckily it is only minority not the majority. Anyway, 2 of them are having a cold war sort of thing going on i guess. It's been almost a month since. i guess it should last until someone does something abt it. I hope not i guess. Anyway, i just don want to care so much. Anyway, my platoon always have problems ever since i was posted in. It is just that the problems was not surfaced out only. This week's major happening is our CSM gone mad on thursday morning and check us on our hair and area cleaning and demanded us to do it every morning. He wants to check now every morning and evening until he is sastify. Therefore, we are having an inspection on monday morning and as well for this week. i wonder when he will stop.That's why i say this is a stress week for me. i guess this is the week in camp ba. Glad that SOC training only lasting until 10 nov which is next month. I guess should be able to endure ba although it is tough. As for weekend, it is a normal saturday and sunday only. Nothing much, just got to meet ah kiong yesterday to watch movie butterfly lovers and in the night met lijin after her work. Her boyfriend, calvin was doing guard duty so didn't see him yesterday night. Anyway, on friday, she mgs ah kiong saying she will be bored for the weekend because of that boyfriend reason i guess. Anyway, met up at abt 8pm, took a bus to plaza singapura where we had dinner at pastamania and walk around there after that. A normal weekend i guess. Nothing much happen, back to the normal routine i guess. 2 days of weekend is just so short, is it? Anyway, recently i guess i been having a lot of long weekend ba, until when it is normal weekend of 2 days, i would feel rather bored and feel that 'sian' feeling all around me. Huh, looking forward to the next long weekend. Army also so sian and sucks. 8 more long months to get out of the cycle. Been wanting to get out of this camp from BMT lol. Update again! Bye folks!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Long weekend for me from last thursday till today!
Ok, for the past week i had a long weekend as stated from my title of this blog. Anyway, it is a short week for me in camp. 3 days only, in these 3 days, the only training is on tuesday which is our first SOC test for us in our second year as soldiers. Besides that, monday i went out to a live range to help out the stores, in the end become sentry as there was no one else to do it! Wednesday was a book out day with easy activity with games and nothing in the afternoon. We book out in the nite to enjoy our long weekend ahead this past week which i had spent. So fast, it is monday already. Long weekend had ended for me as it is book in already and back to camp tonite. Abt the long weekend, thursday went JB with my friends to buy dvds and eat pizza hut. After that, went back to singapore at abt 3.30pm. Then went to causeway point to walk around before we decided to go airport to walk for our first time in terminal 3 since it open. Walk about, i felt that T3 has much more shopping places than T1 or T2. Ate our dinner at popeye's fast food before we went back home. 1 of my friends then followed me home as he wanted to watch a drama which i have. After i reach home, lend him the disc. Then later he went home. That was end of thursday. For friday, spent most of the day at home before evening came where there was a bbq for my HQ platoon for the first time so i went for it. Actually on that day, it is also my PC of previous platoon which is 6. His birthday celebration was at Novena where they having steamboat for his celebration. But i sort of rejected it as HQ was having this bbq for the first time. Anyway, that night's BBQ was a normal one i guess, just a gathering for the HQ platoon. Nothing much except i drank beer and vodka that very night for the very first time since my overseas attachment which is last year. It seems like drinking beer, liquor or wines for me is a yearly affair. Anyway, for me, drinking all these is for socialising only. I think my drinking for these is actually not very good as i don't hold out for long. That night, i came home, rested a while before i actually dragged my body to a bed. After a short while, i was knocked out. So drunk i guess. Anyway, before i knocked out, i was so hot and found out my whole body was so red. I guess that's the reason i knocked out that night ba. Anyway, drinking is not good. Huh! The next morning i wake up early as i was hungry, woke up at abt 5am and went for early breakfast that saturday. My mother accompany me and i decided to have macdonald's opposite. My mother had the new wasabi fish burger meal while i had hotcakes meal. Finish breakfast and reach home abt 6.15am. After that, went to bathe and watch dramas on dvd till abt 9am before feeling tired to catch a nap until abt 11am before i wake up and continued watching my drama. At abt 2pm, went for my lunch with my mother. Decided to go to hougang bus interchange to eat at the foodcourt. Had fishball noodles over there before we went to NTUC in hougang mall to walk before heading home and resuming watching my drama. Until abt 7.30pm, went for dinner with my mother again, third time in a day. So basically, the whole of saturday is spent with my mother. Hardly had this time with my mother, especially on a whole saturday. Anyway, not too bad to spent time with her either. After all, she's my favourite parent among both. On to sunday, went out with ah kiong for the second time this week after the jb trip. We went to bugis and met up abt 2.35pm. He was looking for his care bears to collect. After that, went to suntec city to catch the movie house bunny. After that, he receive a mgs from kenny to meet up at causeway point for our dvds. We travelled from marina to woodlands in bus 960, it took abt 1h30mins before we finally reach causeway point. An incident that happen in bus when it is at bukit panjang was the back door was spoilt and some of the commuters was not very happy and some even slam the spoilt door open in order to get out of the bus. The funny thing is that sometimes, the door is ok but sometimes it is spoilt. Anyway, i had my dinner there at the foodcourt before each of us headed home at abt 10pm yesterday. For today, book in day for me. The same routine as before i will stay home and prepare. Nothing much. So long for this long weekend i guess. Back to army lol! Sian!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
The outfield week with SOC training before that.........
This week, finally had my first SOC training for quite a while since i skipped a lot of the training recently. Anyway, last tuesday SOC training was relax with the 1.5km run with LBV load and 5 sets of 3 obstacles training. Quite ok performance for me for the first SOC training in a while. Anyway, wednesday started outfield training for the whole battalion, it's been a while since the whole battalion went outfield together. Anyway, this was quite a relax outfield training as it is just river crossing for the armoured vehicles and for us to do the practical part for the lesson we learn in camp as we got to practice. Throughout the whole exercise, we were in the vehicle, first time did not mount the vehicle at all. Also for my old commanders, their last outfield. As they handed over their duties and prepare to clear their offs and leaves before they finally ORD in second week of november. They brought quite a lot of good stuffs to eat. They seem to be enjoying this very moment as their last outfield. My last outfield seem so far as compare to them. Long way to go i guess. We were enjoying more than complaining for this last outfield. Anyway, the next one i know will definitely be a tough one for me. Anyway, came back on friday midnite and start cleaning arms for myself. Anyway, was very tiring as i got sick for the first time for outfield. Slept at abt 3.45am that day. Slept all the way until 9.30am that friday before cleaning my 84mm gun which i finish cleaning before lunch. After lunch, since i was so tired and sick, went up to bunk and sleep till 5pm before heading for dinner and on to book out at abt 9pm. Anyway, weekend was good. Saturday went out in the afternoon to watch eagle eye with ah kiong which started from 4.30pm and ended abt 6.30pm. After that, took a bus to orchard road to meet calvin first before meeting up with yiqi and boyfriend, after kelly and eventually lijin came to look for us while we met to eat seoul garden that night. Had a fun time cooking food and eating food, i think that night, i eat lots of prawns and chicken. Anyway, got time to catch up with one another is always good. Enjoyable time that night filled with jokes and laughter. I think everyone was enjoying, great night! Haha! Gatherings always so enjoying, always like and will always be. Today, nothing much, very much the same for every sunday i guess. Booking in lol! See you guys again next week!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Updating time after 2 weeks.....................
Another 2 weeks since i updated, cause last week was doing guard duty on sunday so only spent 1 night at home. Short weekend but managed to skip all the SOC training last week. The first one skipped because of the guard duty on sunday, second one on wednesday morning cause of the rain. The thursday training was skipped cause i book out on wednesday nite for my off day on thursday itself. I had a long weekend ending today as i book out on wednesday nite. Today, the break finally end with me going back camp tonite. i book in 1 day later instead of sunday cause of aan advance off given by OC as on Hari raya i will be in the field and burn so i will still be booking out on friday this week. Anyway, the long weekend always ended faster as times really fly when you are outside camp. Anyway, last thursday and friday spent it with my family. Saturday, went out with ah kiong to watch 'connected' the movie. After that, went to walk abt orchard road before going to meet calvin and lijin for dinner at nite. Had dinner at hk cafe and talk while having dinner before leaving at abt 11pm. Sunday was spent at my grandma's house as it is the day to celebrate her birthday. Well spent day as we got to interact with cousins and relatives we seldom seen for quite some time. Of course, the nite ended with the first ever night race in the world in singapore which my family went to watch at home on TV. From 7.30pm to 10.30pm, the start till the end, it is a thrilling and entertaining race throughout the 3 hours. Ya, that's all about my weekend i guess. Today, book in day again, as per normal, spent the day home. Nothing much for now, just worry abt SOC training as i had not been training for close to 2 weeks. SOC training will resume this week i guess. Doubt whether my leg will be able to take the impact from the high jump from the low ramp. Let's see ba will depends on the position i am in that day. Happy ending to my guard duty for a while. I hope i will not get any weekends guard duty for october. Really hope so. Nothing for now! See you guys again!!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Things this week.......................
I will start this with monday's combat shoot at nee soon camp's 100m range. The shoot was not bad with my perfect score of 8/8, even though 1 shot was give away as the target went down itself. It's just day shoot so we return in the afternoon after all of us shoot finish. Anyway, after that, we went back to our camp to eat our lunch and clean our weapon. After cleaning, went to prepare for the field camp on tues and wednesday. On tuesday morning , went for the brief for this field camp. Then, afternoon, move out for the short field camp. Throughout, this short field camp, our section was deployed as enemy so as to train the other sections from the different platoons. We came back at wednesday afternoon and same clean our weapons to a 100% and were told the good news of having nights' out that very night. So in the end, we went for it and were told to return by 11pm that very night. For thursday, it is book out day because of bloc leave for the company on friday after just SOC training in the morning and in the afternoon, it is revision for the heli-borne ops for this tuesday live run. For me, it is another nights out as i got guard duty that friday. So for this week, i had 2 days of nights' out for me. Anyway, went out with 1 of my army friend that 2 nights' out. First one at choa chu kang Lot 1 and second one at bukit panjang plaza. I just continue having a lot of leave and offs unclear i guess. Anyway, i will have time to clear them before the year end ba. Saturday, went out to orchard lido with ah kiong to see any movies we could watch. Found nothing so went to walk around in orchard area before evening where we decided to go chinatown to the cd shops over there. We then had our dinner at kfc over there. After that, traded pokemon to my pearl version so that he could restart his diamond version to replay. Anyway, we went home quite late as we finished trading. Lucky for him, he was able to get the last bus 190 before the bus went away. I reach yesterday at 12.30am. That's all! Nothing much for this week i guess......................
Sunday, September 07, 2008
2 weeks of events to blog abt..........................
It's been 2 weeks since my last blog. Anyway, last last week was a short week for me as i had guard duty on sat(30 aug). Supposed to be a long weekend as friday, my company book out at abt 4pm. Since i had guard duty on saturday, it became a nights out for me. Nevertheless, i went home to put the dirty clothes that were needed to be washed as there was a field camp that week and the uniform was super dirty from that outfield training. Anyway, went home that friday and reach at abt 5.30pm. Just rested and put the dirty clothes and watch some parts of a drama series before i went out at 6.30pm and back to camp for the guard duty the next day.Before that, i went to lot 1 to meet ah kiong for dinner and pass him the olympics glass from mcdonalds that i collected for him that night! It is that rush. Anyway, that week didn't get a chance to sleep on my bed at home, kinda of sian, Huh! Ya, saturday guard duty.The guard duty only highlight was me doing sentry for the first time in months and that night we order canadian pizza for our supper. It came at abt 9.30pm where we were preparing for the staff parade at abt 10pm for the duty personnel in the camp. During guard duty's rest time, planned for a meeting with my cousin as my brother's cathay voucher expired on the sunday itself. So on sunday, after i book out, went straight home. On the way home, my cousin called as he needed to use my computer as his computer broke down and he has some army stuffs to settle online. So in the end, we met at my home instead of the cinema where we would watch the movie. So in the end, i reach home abt 11am. Felt hungry while waiting for him to arrive so went opposite to pack back food for me and my mother. After i reach home, i saw my cousin already as he arrive. So he use my computer to do his stuffs while i waited for him. Waited and waited till i fell asleep as i was too tired from the guard duty that saturday. After he finish, he woke me up and we discuss abt where we would be watching the movie. Saw all the movie timings, in the end, decided to watch death race as my cousin still had to rush to buy things from the IT fair(COMEX) that day.I brought all the things that need for camp as i know i would not be coming back home and would be heading to camp after that day ended. The movie we watch at the Cathay beside plaza singapura. After the movie ended, went to COMEX and search for the things my cousin wanted. He finish buying his things at abt 6.20pm before we parted our ways as i needed to reach camp by 9.00pm. So i decided to take 700A to bukit panjang to have my dinner over there before going back camp that nite.
Abt the week just passed, it is a simple week which kick off with the combat shoot on a monday where SAF is giving 2nd year soldiers like us $200 if we got marksman(80% of the target) as a section for the shoot. Anyway, the day shoot left us with abt 79% as 2 persons out of 6 persons results pull us down with us needing 1 shot to hit the target of marksman. However, there were still chances as there is a night shoot. As the day drawn to a close, came night. Nite shoot for was a nightmare as it perishes our hope for the money due to 1 person getting only 3 shots out of the possible 20. After that monday, the rest of the week, tuesday morning was SOC training following that was cleanning of our rifles. Wednesday also cleaning arms. Thursday done guard duty again. Though friday was a book out day but also filled with surprises as an external body wanted to check our rifles and vehicles for their servicevility. Due to this, we book out late at abt 8pm. Ok, enough with the events in camp. Weekend for this week, yesterday went out with ah kiong to kallang leisure mall which is near the national stadium. After that, went to plaza singapura to look at new dramas and walking around. After close to 8pm, walk down to TAKA to look for lijin and calvin. Bought yiqi's present and then to dinner at cathay cineleisure. Went to eat pastamania before going to heeren to HMV to look at movies and songs. Parted at abt 11pm, reach home abt 12.30am ba. Today is going back camp day, nothing much, same routine i guess. So far it is like this..................... Wait for the next update!!!!!!!!!!
Abt the week just passed, it is a simple week which kick off with the combat shoot on a monday where SAF is giving 2nd year soldiers like us $200 if we got marksman(80% of the target) as a section for the shoot. Anyway, the day shoot left us with abt 79% as 2 persons out of 6 persons results pull us down with us needing 1 shot to hit the target of marksman. However, there were still chances as there is a night shoot. As the day drawn to a close, came night. Nite shoot for was a nightmare as it perishes our hope for the money due to 1 person getting only 3 shots out of the possible 20. After that monday, the rest of the week, tuesday morning was SOC training following that was cleanning of our rifles. Wednesday also cleaning arms. Thursday done guard duty again. Though friday was a book out day but also filled with surprises as an external body wanted to check our rifles and vehicles for their servicevility. Due to this, we book out late at abt 8pm. Ok, enough with the events in camp. Weekend for this week, yesterday went out with ah kiong to kallang leisure mall which is near the national stadium. After that, went to plaza singapura to look at new dramas and walking around. After close to 8pm, walk down to TAKA to look for lijin and calvin. Bought yiqi's present and then to dinner at cathay cineleisure. Went to eat pastamania before going to heeren to HMV to look at movies and songs. Parted at abt 11pm, reach home abt 12.30am ba. Today is going back camp day, nothing much, same routine i guess. So far it is like this..................... Wait for the next update!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
This wkd i guess........................
This weekend is another short and normal weekend ba. Anyway, seems like it is a week of raining. And it is still raining as i continue to update my post today. Ok, this weekend started with a book out on friday at abt 7pm where 1 of my army friends ask me to watch the fireworks with him that very night. The tickets was balloted as usual in the afternoon with me not knowing as i was helping my storeman at that point of time. Anyway, i still got to go as my friend invited me to. Anyway, we reach there at abt 8.30pm and waited for the fireworks that night which was from france. Before that, was a whole series of performances like fire shows, bands, indian dances, showcase of military band and etc. We waited 1 hour as the fireworks was delayed i think. Anyway, the fireworks was shown at 9.30pm that night. After that, we head for kfc for dinner at bugis as there were too many people at the marina area. After that, we went home and i reach home at abt 12.30am. Saturday went out with my ite friends to watch the fireworks and met at abt 3.30pm. Met up with kenny and seb first at the somerset MRT station and waited a while before ah kiong came. After that, head out to cineleisure for lunch at KFC while waiting for yiqi. Anyway, even after we finish our food, yiqi still have not reach. I guess her being late style still remains. Meanwhile, we went to see if there is any movie to watch while waiting for lijin to finish work at 8pm. Then came yiqi at abt 4.15pm. Found a movie where all of us agree to watch and went to ask how long the movie is as ah kiong say that lijin is an impatient person which will complain if she's the one waiting for us. But i think actually we could watch the movie as it finishes at 8.15pm which is only 15mins after lijin knock off work. I think 15mins is ok for a person to be waiting esp. if they are friends, not mentioning she is just waiting not one but for a group of friends. Actually, i am not the only one to think this way too. Seb also feel that 15mins for waiting is not a long time. Anyway, in the end, ah kiong decided not to watch the movie as not to make her waiting for us. In the end, we decided to play at cineleisure level 9 where there are lan gaming, wiii console sets for rental, ps3 consoles and x-box consoles there as well. We booked a chamber for it. In the chamber, were 2 computers, tv plus the wiii console set. seb and i were playing on the computer while kenny, ah kiong and yiqi were playing the wiii games. In the meantime, i tryed the e-sizing of my new army uniforms on the website and it work. Yes, finally submitted the e-sizing of my uniform. Anyway, we spent 2 hours in the chamber. When we came out, it is already 7.05pm lol. We then went to walk around TAKA while still waiting for lijin to knock off work at 8pm. At abt 8pm, we went to look for lijin and took a bus over to marina square where we waited for the fireworks to start at the foodcourt. The fireworks started at abt 9.10pm. After that, seb and i ate our dinner at the foodcourt after lijin found a place for us. For the rest, they went to yoshinoya for dinner. After dinner, it was already 11pm. We then went home. On my way home, saw calvin at the esplande. Found out that he was doing some preparation work for the army half marathon this morning and was not allow to book out. Anyway, reach home around 12.30am, the same time on friday nite. Today, a normal day as soon will be preparing to book in for another week in camp.This would be a long week with outfield on tues and wed and guard duty on wed and sat. Army life still sucks while i still left with 10 months of service. Talk more when i return for the short weekend of half day on next sunday! Sian!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Short week pass, time to resume to the normal 5-day week again...............
Reality is cruel. Isn't it? Anyway, time for me to resume my normal army routine i guess. Back to the jungle(field training) with my super heavy weapon. It just sucks, it been almost 5 months since my last outfield training. Anyway, my first outfield is ard 1 week from now, it will be a 2 days 1 nite. I think it will not be easy for me. After all, it is a long time that i have not been to the field. I guess i will not be the only one i guess. Anyway, let's enjoy the urban life in ns for now ba. Talking abt this, next sunday, on the 24th, there will be a army event which i am suppose to be in. So i guess, alll of us will be burning that sunday morning as well. Don't want to think abt this, as i still got guard duty on 30th, a saturday. So sian, huh!! Nothing can do except to accept the fact ba. Anyway, looking at the bright side, i am left with 10 months of service in my ns cycle being an NSF. Hopefully, it will pass quicker than i will ever imagine ba. I guess this is reality. Bad or good, you can only take it. Abt resuming this normal weekend for the first in months, i guess it is rather short as would others will think too. Anyway, just went out yesterday to buy something army stuffs at beach road. Quite a lot of people there. Anyway, bought what i want, by then it is already 5pm. Then i went to meet ah kiong at ngee ann city by taking a bus to orchard from a nearby bus stop at beach road. Met him and he got something to pass to li jin before we went to watch a movie at 7.30pm. We watch 'journey to the centre of the earth'. Quite ok movie to me. Filled with laughter i guess. Before the movie, had mcdonalds as ah kiong wanted his archery glass to complete his set of 5. After the movie, abt 9pm, we went to eat again at the taka food court at the basement of taka. As usual, the route home was walking down orchard road to SMU before heading home for the both of us. Saturdays was back for me, but i sort of wanted a monday nite book in more. Reality is as it seems , huh! 5-day week starting tomo, huh! Wondering what it would be like, a long week ahead i guess!!! Sian, when would my army life end? Could it be any faster?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Old friends reunite for the 2nd straight week +the NDP show 2008
Continuing the details of the last post.........................................
Last week, ah kiong, li jin, calvin and i met for the first time in a long while. Anyway, it was quite last minute as i waited for ah kiong to finish editing his IT project before calling lijin after her work. Ya, ah kiong told me these abt 6.15pm that day and ask me to call lijin to see whether we can meet. Anyway, i decided to call lijin when it was abt 7pm which is the time she finished work. She was surprised to receive my call as she thought we would not be meeting. Anyway, we still met up and went to meet calvin at ang mo kio where we had dinner at mcdonald's for it was suggested by me so that i could collect the coke glass. After dinner, we went to look around game shops as lijin was looking for a game to play on her NDS. Finally, she found the game and she bought it and then after we went home after that.
Back to this week's post, we had an early book out this week on friday as the battalion had our day off after the east coast park run which was finish by 10.20am. On that day, i was helping the conducting officers and went out early with the advance party of store together with the officers. I forgetten to sign my 'book out' book, so i decided to come back with them to sign the book and also to help them unload the stores. When i went back, then realise the COS had help me to forge in the book. Anyway, i thank him and had my lunch in camp at the canteen before going back together with 2 of my army friends taking taxi home. They came back because they did not meet the running time of 1hr 30mins for the 10km run. Anyway, reach home at 3.30pm that day. Rested for that day at home with me watching and completing my drama series. For Saturday, the actual day of NDP 08, we had to reach the floating platform at 1pm. i went there early as there were clearance that had to be done. Anyway, reach there on time. Anyway, we move off only at 2.30pm and only required to be ready by 4pm. As the show started, my seagate 2 team did what was required of me but after what was done. We decided to stay at the place for the last time for the last fireworks performance over there. The fireworks were great from that view and the NDP 08 finally ended for us. We then stayed to be dismissed. Anyway, we waited till 9pm before my company finished their work. Then, we took quite a number of photos with one another. Anyway, lijin and ah kiong was waiting for me to eat dinner together as they went there to watch fireworks also. I met them at pastamania to have dinner together. On the way there, met yiqi and boyfriend. Chatted for a while before rushing to meet the rest at pastamania. Surprised to see calvin there, as he was recalled to camp that day. Anyway, he just reach also. We had dinner before heading back home. On sunday, met ah kiong at chinatown at 3.30pm to go for the flea market to look for presents for our friends. Anyway, after that, went to cd shops around in chinatown to look for new dramas or albums. Ya, i found and bought 1 drama which titled by justice Bao 2008. After that, again, we went to met lijin and calvin at bishan for dinner. This time, we had half-chicken rice shared among us. We had the chicken treated by calvin which we found out only when we were going home. A lot of joy always found among the 4 of us when we are together. Happy is the the word i guess. Anyway, will always enjoy that i guess. For yesterday, went to watch the mummy movie with my cousin at abt 5pm. After that, went to my army friends bbq at abt 8pm before reaching home after that at abt 11pm. Nothing much as a normal book in date where i will be at home which is today. Haha, i guess it is a routine for a book in day i guess.
Last week, ah kiong, li jin, calvin and i met for the first time in a long while. Anyway, it was quite last minute as i waited for ah kiong to finish editing his IT project before calling lijin after her work. Ya, ah kiong told me these abt 6.15pm that day and ask me to call lijin to see whether we can meet. Anyway, i decided to call lijin when it was abt 7pm which is the time she finished work. She was surprised to receive my call as she thought we would not be meeting. Anyway, we still met up and went to meet calvin at ang mo kio where we had dinner at mcdonald's for it was suggested by me so that i could collect the coke glass. After dinner, we went to look around game shops as lijin was looking for a game to play on her NDS. Finally, she found the game and she bought it and then after we went home after that.
Back to this week's post, we had an early book out this week on friday as the battalion had our day off after the east coast park run which was finish by 10.20am. On that day, i was helping the conducting officers and went out early with the advance party of store together with the officers. I forgetten to sign my 'book out' book, so i decided to come back with them to sign the book and also to help them unload the stores. When i went back, then realise the COS had help me to forge in the book. Anyway, i thank him and had my lunch in camp at the canteen before going back together with 2 of my army friends taking taxi home. They came back because they did not meet the running time of 1hr 30mins for the 10km run. Anyway, reach home at 3.30pm that day. Rested for that day at home with me watching and completing my drama series. For Saturday, the actual day of NDP 08, we had to reach the floating platform at 1pm. i went there early as there were clearance that had to be done. Anyway, reach there on time. Anyway, we move off only at 2.30pm and only required to be ready by 4pm. As the show started, my seagate 2 team did what was required of me but after what was done. We decided to stay at the place for the last time for the last fireworks performance over there. The fireworks were great from that view and the NDP 08 finally ended for us. We then stayed to be dismissed. Anyway, we waited till 9pm before my company finished their work. Then, we took quite a number of photos with one another. Anyway, lijin and ah kiong was waiting for me to eat dinner together as they went there to watch fireworks also. I met them at pastamania to have dinner together. On the way there, met yiqi and boyfriend. Chatted for a while before rushing to meet the rest at pastamania. Surprised to see calvin there, as he was recalled to camp that day. Anyway, he just reach also. We had dinner before heading back home. On sunday, met ah kiong at chinatown at 3.30pm to go for the flea market to look for presents for our friends. Anyway, after that, went to cd shops around in chinatown to look for new dramas or albums. Ya, i found and bought 1 drama which titled by justice Bao 2008. After that, again, we went to met lijin and calvin at bishan for dinner. This time, we had half-chicken rice shared among us. We had the chicken treated by calvin which we found out only when we were going home. A lot of joy always found among the 4 of us when we are together. Happy is the the word i guess. Anyway, will always enjoy that i guess. For yesterday, went to watch the mummy movie with my cousin at abt 5pm. After that, went to my army friends bbq at abt 8pm before reaching home after that at abt 11pm. Nothing much as a normal book in date where i will be at home which is today. Haha, i guess it is a routine for a book in day i guess.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Last wkd and this week plus NDP preview................
Last weekend got time to catch up with my sec friends because it was a rest week from ndp rehearsal as to prepare for the ndp preview just 2 days ago. So i met my sec friends at marina square. Went out and met abt 4pm. Well, actually thought at least can don't go marina for that 1 week, but still went there which my sec friends. Anyway, some of them went home early because of work the next day. That saturday, went home quite early. Reach home abt 10pm after eating dinner at a nearby coffeshop opposite my home. But 2 days before this, i was doing stores for the Sergent major of army change of command presentation cermony in pasir laba camp. Thursday went to set up and rehearse for the actual day which is on friday. Nothing much, just that gain a day off cause friday actually a half-day off for the company. Since the few of us that help out for this till very late, our sergent major decided to give us 1 day off. Anyway, the second gym session is ok, getting to know the exercise a bit better and it is great treatment for me. For this past weekend, met kenny and ah kiong after ndp rehearsal at abt 9.30pm at ps for dinner. For sunday, met ah kiong, calvin and lijin for dinner also at abt 7.30pm. Will update additional details next week when i am back!!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Last NE show, wkd and etc......................
Last sat's NE show was in a mess, the air show, parade segment and etc. Ok, it is because of the rain i guess. Anyway, the show was completed somehow. Nothing much to say abt it. Because my location of my job in ndp, we sort of went to find a shelter at the nearby tent set for the construction nearby. Waited for the rain to stop under the shelter, anyway the rain did stop somehow. So the show was able to continue. Ok, let's go on. Abt my msn messenger, if i happen to appear online during weekdays(except mon), it is my brother using my account. If status is busy means i playing game or watching drama. Abt wkd, yesterday went to watch the movie( Dark knight) with kenny and ah kiong. Quite a good and long movie to watch. Great acting by the actors inside. A lot of movies i want to watch this month. See how ba. Haha!! Oh ya, today is racial harmony day also. Today is also a birthday of my friend which we went together for attachment in beijing in my ITE days. She is feng xian. Happy 22nd birthday!! Abt the first gym lesson for physio, it is quite ok, just that the timing is not enough. i sort of rush there and back to camp that day. The coming week is another gym treatment, hopefully this time i got enough treatment time this week. Think this way it will be better for me ba. Update again. Bye!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
2nd NE show( NDP rehearsal) + wkd............
I guess this second show is so far, the best show with water fountain displays, wonderful fireworks displays. As for my part, every week, it is the same old boring thing. Huh, anyway i always feel, my job is not that very important in the show. The show still runs without my team i guess. Ok, talk about yesterday, i went out with ah kiong and we saw the movie 'red cliff '. Think the movie is not that exciting after all. At some part, it is boring lol. Anyway, this month is sort of like a movie month with hellboy 2, red cliff, 2 R21 movie, X-files, batman, money no enough 2 and etc. Anyway, it's a lot of nice movies lah. And yah, i have not received the money nor the letter for the GST offset package given by the government. Bought my eyepiece for the mp4 player yesterday also. So stupid, shouldn't had bought it cause got 'Popular' vouchers which i forgot. If i know, i wouldn't have bought the headpiece yesterday. Huh, anyway it is a thing which is done. Haha! Nothing much happen in camp cause of my leg injury, i am not involved in ACCT. Quite peaceful week, physio review on wednesday tells me that i need to do more exercises on my injured ankle for it to bend it normally so i was recommended gym treatment on this coming friday. The good thing is it is recovering, getting better already. At least, can worry less i guess. Soon i will be able to do most of the physical training i guess. As next week, physical training for us will resume and if i miss the training, i will get remedial training on saturday morning meaning i cannot book out on friday nite lol! Anyway, the physiothrepytist say i should start light jog already. I shall try it on the speed training next week i guess. Tell you guys what happen on my next blog entry ba! See you guys again! Haha!!!
Monday, July 07, 2008
Abt another ndp wkd i guess.........
Another ndp wkd BUT with something different for the rehearsal. It is the first ndp rehearsal with spectators mainly from primary schools i guess. But as i was located faraway from the stage where the performances are held, it still a boring job after all. With me located so far, got not much chance to even look after the babes or girls around spectators or the female motivators. Huh! Anyway, nevertheless, did and done my job as the seagate keepers for 2 group of performers only. My last act was at 7.15pm as usual. This is only the beginning of the NDP show. The fireworks on display was great and beautiful. I guess can look forward to this month's sat as on duty for every rehearsal i guess. I think that's the only thing ba. Haha! Anyway, this wkd also spent with my family members. Nothing ba, just went to the grand opening of the kopitiam city at the buangkok mrt station with the opening of the 24 hour NTUC supermarket there and the food courts. Started playing my FIFA 07 computer game again cause i was a bit bored i guess. Anyway, so sian need to book in by 7.30pm tonite. After so long, not really used to booking in so early. Another week for slacking for me, my ankle injury still there. Recovering very slowly i guess. Nothing much, see you guys!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Another weekend....................
This weekend is spent with my family. Nothing much. Finished watching my chinese drama of 40 episodes. Watch the euro 2008 finals also. The match between spain and germany not that very exciting after all. Anyway, going for my physio appointment again tomo from morning to afternoon. Hope my leg will recover very soon. This week, should be nothing much for me in camp but learning weapons i did not learn previously in trades course. Tomo, a lot of people will be getting money from the government for the GST package provided. Yes, i will be getting too. Haha, happy cause my july pay also coming 1 week after this. Oh yah,my alarm clock spoilt when i drop it on the floor of my bunk. Anyway, my mother bought me a new one for $2.90 this morning. Should be nothing for now! See you guys!
Monday, June 23, 2008
It's another week of updates........

This weekend had rather quiet and peaceful with me staying at home on both days of my weekend. Since the ndp rehearsals had started 2 weekends ago, my weekends had been change from sat and sun to sun and monday. At least, until this year's ndp is over which is the actual day on 9 august 2008. Anyway, yesterday my cousin came over to print map of his camp which he was posted to from Tekong. Today morning, he reported to his new camp lol. Anyway, he came over and we chatted quite a bit abt his vocation as a armour vehicle driver. But anyways i was happy that we could have the time to catch up. He left at abt 3 plus and after that we went for our lunch at nearby coffeeshop. After that, he went home. And i spent the rest of my time at home watching drama series. I thought it is a rather quiet weekend i had. Ok, as for the ndp rehearsal, it is the first full dress rehearsal. They kicked it off with fireworks which i didn't expect so fast as it is the first full dress rehearsal without audience. As for my part at the seagate, the performers at my 'gate' didn't really take our cue as they had their own cue from their walkie-talkie. Anyway, i don't see the need for our existence at the 'gate'. Huh, nothing i can say i think. But anyway the ndp rehearsals continue with this kind of cork-up i guess. I guess i have nothing much. Haha! See you guys!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Nothing much..................
Decided to update although there isn't much to say. Ok, this weekend is quite ok with me going to the last day of the PC show at suntec on sunday nite. Cause i think it is abt the best time to go with the least amount of people. Anyway, met ah kiong at 6pm actually BUT we were late though. Anyway, i reach there abt 6.15pm while he reach later. Anyway, we went to look for what actually i was looking for. I found it after abt 1 hour as i was looking for the best price for the mp3 player which i need to resolve some of the boredom in camp. Anyway, I found not only a mp3 but a mp4 player of 1GB for only $40. Good deal right? So i bought it and ah kiong thought it is a good deal too. So he bought it too. Anyway, so far i try it, the bad thing is only the headset is not long enough and it only charges through the PC only. So far, not too bad! That's all for sunday. As for yesterday, went to watch the incredible hulk with my cousin and my brother cause my cousin say his UOB card got promotion with movie tickets at $6 at Cathay. Watch the movie at 2.50pm but we were late but reach before the movie started. Anyway, before the movie thing, my cousin went over to my home to transfer some music to his new ipod as he didn't have much songs in his PC plus he didn't have speakers to listen to the music himself. After the movie which is abt 5pm, we headed straight to grandma's place for a visit. We had our dinner there which was cooked by our grandma. Delicious home-cooked food which i had not had since don't know when. Anyway, our time was enjoyable there. I think grandma is also quite happy to see us as it's been a long time since we visited her together. Anyway, today nothing much, resting time at home and need to prepare to go back camp tonite as i have guard duty tomo. There's it for now. See you guys again!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Long week in camp.............................
This passed week is so slow as i slack around in my bunk. Anyway, it is because of my injured ankle. Ok, i got my medical appointments on thursday and friday. Thursday for the X-ray and Friday for the specialist appointment. For the appointments i had, so i skipped the tac-team living firing.Anyway, does not involve me. So went for the appointments, found out a small bone is broken and ligament pulled. The specialist just gave me a letter to the camp doctor and for medicine is just so gel cream and ask me to book a appointment for physio treatment at SAF military instiute. Got to book it myself, anyway i booking it today so see what date they can give me lol. A slack week for me as i spent most of time in the bunk. Actually went to medical centre in my camp, wanted to get a medical review by my camp doctor but he not around and the medic ask me to come back next week for it. Now, i got lots of questions to ask the camp doctor cause there are certain things i find it hard to do like guard duty, wearing shoes also a problem lol of the swollen ankle. This wednesday i have to do guard duty and see whether the stupid doctor is around in camp to see the specialist letter i have for him. Then i can ask the questions in my mind lol. Walking around like a limp is so difficult and hard lol. Painfully at times lol. Really sucks! Still went for ndp rehearsal yesterday. Anyway, we wasted our time there lol. My seagate 2 which involve me, a sgt and a platoonmate. It was so far for me to walk as a limp lol. It is all the way at the ntuc office building beside clifford pier in raffles place lol. We had to walk there from the marina floating platform opposite marina square. Walk back after that is also a hard and painful experience for me lol. Guess what we did there, nothing lol. Somemore, it is a open patch of grassy field which no toilet nearby and no rubbish bins. We just was placed there to see them playing with kites on the surfer boat lol. Spent 4 hours plus doing nothing, seating around on the grass fields with insects all over in the sun somemore. Got a great sun tan lol. Luckily, not needed for the rehearsal today, or i will curse and swear lol. Obviously, we will be doing nothing again. Anyway, left the rehearsal at abt 8.30pm. Called ah kiong, he's still around with kenny at citylink mall in HMV, so went to look for him and bought a dvd for kelly which she's looking for a long time already. Anyway, went to eat my dinner at funnan mall. Had pizza at the 3-in-1 restarant(KFC, pizza hut and taco bell), hawaillian pizza with reg fries and a drink. Upsize the drink but didn't got charge for it. Haha! Anyway, after that we went home ard 10.30pm ba. I reach home abt 11.40pm and went on to bathe and sleep. Today don't know going out or not. Anyway, cannot really walk for long. See how lol! Anyway, booking in on tuesday nite as i have guard duty on wednesday. The rest of my company wednesday nite cause of off day. Anyway, update again. Bye, guys!!!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Ok, no confinement for me, lucky me! Ndp i not doing very impt role!
Ya, here i am at home, at this very moment. Where the rest of my company abt 3/4 of them are training for ndp at the marina floating platform.Anyway, i had a bad ankle injury on friday after a bad fall from a height of 2m. My camp doctor examined and suspected it to be torn ligament, ask me to rest with painkillers and arrange for specialist appointment next week for further examination by the specialist. Story ended ther after that. Anyway, on friday where i fell, my whole ankle was swollen until like a ball and even walking to toilet, it was so painful. Yesterday, it was much better. Ya, back to Ndp, my ndp rehearsal ended yesterday in the noon where we not needed and ask to leave. So after that, i went out with a few of my army friends for K-box as suggested by one of them. Went for k-lunch at that point of time, spent abt 14 dollars there with a lunch box and KTV of course. Anyway, first time went out with this group of friends, quite shy i guess so sung a few songs only within that 2hr 30mins ba! Think that was not really worthwhile after all. Anyway, went home after that. Reach home abt 5.30pm ba to find out, that the ankle injury was worsen with blue-black around the sprain. Decided to go CGH for further examination by the doc there. Waited for my father to return from work, then i together with my father and brother, went there. The process there was quite fast as there is not much people. Doctor examine and say it is ankle sprain and strain only. Ask me to rest and decided to bandage my ankle to lessen the strain on my injured ankle. He also gave me inflammation tablets and painkillers for my swollen ankle. After that, went for dinner at the bus interchange food court and watch the singapore football game while eating. Reach home abt 11pm, and continue watching the second half of the game in which singapore lost the game at the 79min. So unlucky of them, they played wonderfully yesterday. Was so tired so bathe and slept at abt 1am yesterday. Anyway, next week starting i think, i will be quite relax as some time is needed for my ankle to recover. At least, i know next week i confirm relax one lol! Finally, ndp rehearsal started BUT what's for me for ndp next sat and sun, i did not do anything this week? i think this question will be answer by myself next week when i return to update! Bye!!!!
Monday, June 02, 2008
Last weekend to enjoy before spending 2 weeks in camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huh, got to be confined for 2 weeks in camp because of 2 weekends burn for ndp 08. My ndp rehearsal finally started, but it is not a gd start to the series of ndp rehearsals leading to the main show on 9 aug 08. Got to burn 2 sat and sun on 2 weeks straight. Sian, like back to BMT where i got to be confined for 2 weeks straight! Anyway, i will be shooting my rifle again for my test which i failed 2 times already. This is the third time and i really hope to pass it as a first year soldier. Ok, as for ndp, i will not be doing much as i am in charge of seagate 2 which basically doing something like sentry which is like guard duty, standing by there doing nothing. Book out on sat afternoon last week, wasted money as i forgot to bring out my green IC from camp which i left the floor in my bunk. Thought i lost it, as the zip on my bag was open. Went searching for it from the moment i thought it was missing when i was taking the bus home. So careless of me, huh, so reach home abt 4.15pm that day. Sweat like mad searching for it. Anyway, can only blame myself for the careless mistake. After reaching home, went out again with my mother to sew my LCP rank as i didn't wanted to waste another going down beach road to get it done. This weekend really precious to me. The sewing took quite long as the auntie was busy with a lot clothes to sew. We waited for abt 1hr30mins for it to be done. Anyway, my mother was complaining a lot for the long wait as she wanted to rest early. Ok, for yesterday which was a sunday. Went out in the afternoon to meet kelly and ah kiong. Eat at KFC after ah kiong's revision at the library with kelly as he had a test the coming week. After that, kelly left for home at abt 5pm for dinner. Then we went to watch the movie NARNIA: Prince Caspian. The movie was ok with the length of 2 hours and 20mins. After we went home early as ah kiong was revising with his poly friends due to last min at CCK. Today, like normal book in days, i would stay at home and spent time with my mother, bought some dry food like biscuits for the 2 weeks in camp. Iron my smartest uniform for the changing of commanding officer of the unit parade. Anyway,just finish ironing it. OK, see you guys in 2 weeks! More updates waiting!!! Haha!
Monday, May 26, 2008
So sian weekend.............................................
Weekend started late as we had living firing on saturday, but before that there's a long weekend for the rest of my company mates. Started last, last friday when they book out and they book in on last thursday only. Almost 1 whole week of break from army, a great time for them. As for me, i book in on last monday nite on vesak day. Cause i had to attend training package, as i failed the previous one. Anyway, had live firing on saturday and book out only 1pm on sunday. Weekend sucks right? Anyway, i book in this morning at 7.20am for the overall grading to show that i pass the training package which i failed previously. While the rest of the company book in only at nite. Sian huh! Anyway, i finally pass the training package which teaches you how to defend against enemy, actually some martial thing lah! The bad thing is we book out again at abt 11.30am after the grading! Actually, it is off day for me today. But anyway half day off was taken away as we were asked to leave camp cause no ration was given for lunch and dinner. So i reach home abt 1pm, so tired until i slept off until abt 2.30pm before going for lunch. Anyway, they still owe me 1 and 1/2 day of off days lol! So is this the weekend you want, going in and out of camp! Transport so expensive as i live in hougang but my camp in choa chu kang! That's why it is a so sian weekend, never even got time to meet my friends lol. Luckily did still spent some precious time with my family. Anyway, this coming weekend is almost burned as we book out only on sat at abt 4.30pm cause of some training! Huh! Anyway, becoming 1 year army personnel soon in abt 2 weeks! More relaxed now ba since participating in this year's national day. Training for us will start in june, in abt 1 week ba! Good news for this may for me, is i got promoted to the rank of Lance corporal and got extra allowance of $20.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Finally, got time to update abt this weekend............
Ok, actually this is supposed to be a long weekend until thursday nite before i go back camp. It is because i fail my ICCT which is some martial arts course which i had to pass the previous time so i taking it all over again. So tonite must book in lol. Sian! Anyway, this is a 3-day weekend for me, talking abt this weekend, i book out early at abt 6.30am on saturday cause of another company's passing out parade which we are not allow to stay in camp. Anyway, after that went for breakfast with an army friend at hougang ave 1. Long time since i went to eat, big, big changes there. Multi-storey market, we went there to eat. Actually wanted to try the 'Lor Mee' which my friend recommend, he say very nice. But the store was not open. So we had kway chap instead, not too bad! After that, bought starfruit juice for the drink. There on, we went home after that. That same time, i receive 1 sms from my sec friend asking me to go out. So i went home to rest until abt 3pm before going out again to meet my sec friend at toa payoh. After i met him, we went down to vivocity to meet the rest of the gang. We reach the earliest at abt 5pm. After that, we waited for the rest before we went window shopping in vivo. 1 of my friends bought t-shirts while the rest just follow around. Anyway, after that, we went to look for dinner and ate burger king's food for dinner. Then , we spent the rest of the evening, sitting around and talking lol. We left the place abt 9.30pm. Reach home abt 10.30pm and decided to rest early as sunday was going jb with another group of friends and was coughing like mad that day, so ate medicine and slept lol. Ya, sunday went out again. So long never went jb lol, nearly forgot to bring my passport. Luckily, thought of it before boarding the bus to woodlands. Anyway, reach woodlands checkpoint late because of that. This jb trip was so long in the making as the last time i enter malaysia is 4 months ago lol. Haha, had a lot of fun in this trip. First, having lunch at secret recipe. After that, buying dvds. Then, going to a new place which is pelangi leisure mall for bowling. It's abt 7pm after that. Then the last thing before going back is dinner which we had at a usual market which we had seafood. Wondeful stuffs we had there! Haha! I think this trip i spent most of my money on food ba. Anyway, another enjoyable jb trip i guess! I think this is another great weekend for me as i got to catch up with different group of friends. As for today, it is a rest day for me, after a joyful weekend for me. And today is going back camp day for me. Anyway, will update again! Catch you guys later!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Last weekend: wonderful BUT short!!!!
Last weekend was a rush one for me as i was late for the sentosa trip for battalion cohesion day on 5/5/08. Anyway, i had to book in 2 hours earlier at 8pm. Ok, so it is quite a rush weekend as my auntie had a bungalow booked that weekend from friday and it is a mothers' day on that sunday. Lucky for me, got to book out on friday afternoon at abt 3.30pm. So i can go home and put the dirty clothes from army, then after that i went home, packed clothes for the short stay, didn't saw mother so ask my bro. Found out she went there earlier in the morning with my auntie lol! My brother and i then went to pasir ris where the bungalow was. But before we went there, we stop at white sands shopping centre for dinner. We reach there at abt 9.30pm. Then, watch tv and newspaper. Just relaxing, Haha!!!! A bit sian as my cousin i usually hang out with during these kind of family events didn't come as he was confined that weekend for field camp in pulau tekong. Nevertheless, still had fun with my little cousins and my cousin's brother, did quite a bit of catchup with them. Haha, feeling great! Brought along NDS to play and listen radio through loudspeaker cause electricity there is free. A relaxed weekend after all. Anyway, on sat nite, we celebrate mothers' day with bbq and a small buffet of food. Talking abt food, that time although the food is great, i could hardly enjoy it with my sick body. Anyway, my father also join us that nite and stayed till sunday as we found out that on sunday there's a mayday celebrations at downtown and my father had coupons for this event. Ok, it's sunday then. Sunday is a very short day as i need to book in before 8pm. Ok, the day started with my family and my uncle's family going for the mayday celebrations as both our families had the coupons. So we went there together, first thing there, we register for the lucky draw. While waiting for it to start, my father was hungry as he didn't eat breakfast at the bungalow so we accompany him to eat. Then waited for the draw to start. After the draw, we met my uncle's family again. After that, separated as we were going to different places, they were going to wild, wild wet while we were going escape theme park. We had great fun as a family that day. So long already, never go out or do something as a family. Feeling very good, almost the best weekend ever. Haha! Anyway, met my uncle's family again after that, then waited for them a while for them to eat before my uncle sent us back to the bungalow where my father and i packed as i was not very early and rushing already, different from me, my father had to rush to toa payoh for another celebration at his brother's baby 1 month celebration. I reach home abt 5pm, packed my army clothes, then bathe and left my home ard 5.45pm. Met an army friend and went back camp together. What a rush weekend huh! Anyway, it is an enjoyable one! So i certainly don't mind it at all!
Actually, after that day, i almost rested on the weekend on sat and sun during that long weekend! After so long, i realise i don't remember much. Never mind i just end this blog post here. On to the next blog......................................................
Monday, May 05, 2008
A long weekend BUT not a very gd one..............(part 1)
I book out on wed 30/4 nite, reach home abt 9pm feeling sick . Though saw the Medical officer which is the doctor in my camp few days ago, telling him abt my sickness. I don know how to describe him, he's just like a gangster talking to a patient lol. Told him i got stomache and went toilet a few times, he says it is nothing. That's not the bad part, he gave me antibiotics which i taken for the few days in camp which i went to toilet almost 7 times each for tuesday n wednesday lol. Only when i reach home then, my father told me cannot take antibiotics when you have stomache. That nite, took stomache pill without the antibiotics which make me feel better. Anyway, on labour day(1 may) went out with quite a big group of ite friends. First with a group of 8 for the movie: Iron man which lasted for abt 2 hours. Great show, recommended to watch for all. After met another 2 more friends and went for lunch at lucky plaza pizza hut. 10 persons, what a big gathering of the ages, been a long time for some of us! Some in army, some studying, some working and etc. Saw her again, a bit of a surprise that she appear after the movie. Anyway, guess she's feeling bored lately. Not to mention any reason, even if i know, maybe you guys know! After what i wrote previously, actually i got to know, she minded what i say. Ok, the more i say, just does not help my relationship with us anyway. For the specific trip, she didn't even say anything to me, i also because i thought maybe it is not right time as she might still be angry. Anyway, partly it is my fault, but it is really my feelings at that point of time lol! Blogging is the place for me to spill the beans abt my feelings that time, is it not? Anyway, maybe i did not consider her feelings at that point. A big Sorry if i hurt! Ok, let's move on!! Reach home that nite abt 11pm. Ok, still not feeling very gd that nite! Though everything was ok on friday morning, but suddenly had fever in afternoon after breakfast, ate medicine after that slept a while but was waken up by mother to accompany her to raffles place for banking, so sick at that point of time, body so weak, still have to follow. Luckily for me, i took medicine so after i reach there, my body started feeling better. So after went home by bus as suggested by me, so can get to sleep in the bus. Reach home, saw papa, so ask him to help buy food for me as i was hungry. After that, watch drama series and rested my body doing so.
OK............... to be continued................ Rushing for time to book in, Update again! bye!!!
OK............... to be continued................ Rushing for time to book in, Update again! bye!!!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Sick week for me!!!!
From tuesday nite, i have been sick from camp till now. Better not, still recovering and taking medicine, very tired week for me, as my body sometimes is very weak due to sickness like fever, sore throat and cough. Doing nothing in camp, always get sick. Huh, so sian! Must find something to bring camp to ease my time and not like this week, just sleeping n sleeping until sick. Today a bit better but still weak. So sian, think i will buy word puzzle from popular bookshop to ease my time next week. Going to be a short week anyway, easier to pass time in camp when doing nothing! Haha!! Nothing much to talk, very tired as still on medication! Will update again!! See you guys!!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Just pass my 21st birthday.................................
Ya, this year's birthday celebrated almost the same as last year, just that location is different n there were lesser people as compared to last year's celebrations for me. Anyway, nothing much, went to watch the forbidden kingdom, the movie is filled with humour, laughter and fighting, the story is ok only. Ya, my another first time for eating 'Swensens' in my life. We went into the restaurant and i ordered the bbq half chicken to try and taste. Not bad as it is a well-known restaurant. Haha! Anyway, that is maybe the only special thing for this 21st birthday ba! The most disappointing thing for this whole birthday is a girl i that i like. Cause firstly i mgs her last sunday together with the rest, but she did not bother replying at all. Ok, the first mgs i didn't really mind cause i ask everyone abt the place we were meeting at and ask them to give suggestions and reply to me latest by tues. So i waited, anyway i mgs everyone late confirming location n time on friday early in the morning at abt 6am. So again i waited the reply all the way until i reach home abt 2.30pm. Most of the them reply or call me by then lol! Ok, i slept while waiting for the reply. While sleeping, kelly called, so i wake up and we started chatting abt the day's program. Anyway, i mgs her after that, sort of asking her to reply. Finally she reply, this reply was so fast and the most disappointing though she reply cause she just reply with a 'NO' answer without even giving me a birthday greeting or whatsoever. Anyway, ok at least it is a reply. Even since, she started their relationship with her boyfriend 1 year ago, it was not too bad at first, we still hang out as a group sometimes, but after her boyfriend and i enter the army, most of the time if he is not around, i guess she would be either. Anyway, i guess she's not too confident of their realtionship till now though it is already 1year plus lol. I think she's scared of ending up like someone ba! Am i saying too much? Anyway, at least this is how i feel when i typing all these! Haha, it's been so long. The feelings never really changes huh! Anyway this is almost 1/3 of this blog i going to post. I guess i can continue more, maybe i just too long-winded! I think the more i say, i will reflect more abt the feelings i had for the past year ba. Ok, back to my 21st birthday, this year, lijin and calvin was also missing, cause of a few reasons, at least 100 times more vaild than others and at least i got greeting from lijin. OK, carrying on, it is so-called a short celebration day for me as most of them having school and were released late. Anyway, it is still lucky for me, as i got to celebrate 21 st birthday, the birthday where you are officially the legal age for a singaporean, one of the most impt milestones of my life, embarking on my first year of my adulthood from teenagehood. Now all the movies can be watch and all the things i can do is now legal except of cause not alll the illegal things lah! Haha!! Hurray, oh yes!!!! Oh, and of course, i spent the morning in camp with greetings from my army friends. Thanks for all those who had wished me or sent their birthday greetings and of course not forgetting those who went out with me that evening to celebrate, a big thanks esp. to them!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Field camps stopping at the moment...... 21st birthday coming!!!
So happy! At last, field camp are over for a while, at least until national day! Haha! The last one was on last mon to wed. After whole exercise, we heard the good news: CO giving us 2 off days! Don't know when will be given but i am happy as i know i work quite hard for this field camp. Anyway, yes it is the end of field camp for the moment. Ok, a lot more duties after the field camp lol! Next event in line in my NS life is national day lol, i will be taking part. Haha, chance of a lifetime in my NS life. Anyway, let's not bother abt so much now, enjoy first ba! By the way, we also change our OC last friday, don't know whether the new one will be good or not! Ok, enough of army!! Ya, next on the list, my 21st birthday is on this friday! Should be looking forward to it! Anyway, i hope that i can get a whole day of leave so i can book out on thursday nite, to enjoy my birthday the whole day on friday. This week should be a short week then! Nothing much, just looking forward to the movie"forbidden kingdom" which i will be watching with my ite friends on my birthday. Haha....................Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
It's been a long while since i am back home...........
Ya, long time since i updated cause last week booking out, i spent very little time at home, cause there's this ite class gathering which i attended so i sort of spent abt half a day at home, so didn't even touch the com. Anyway, the seoul garden trip was a bit of a success i guess. Saw quite a few faces which i didn't see for almost a year now since we graduated last may. 1 year now, most of them in poly or starting poly this year, of course some of us like me, surfing the ns so most of the army personnel did not attend. Ok back to this normal weekend for me, except i have to book in by 8pm tonite cause of a camp from mon to wed which i will be damn sian and tired after that. I particularly hate tonite's booking in cause i know i will be in hell by tomo. It is a sad thing that i am in army as i know the whole year's of events, making me a bit sian, still abt 1 year more. Having to go through hell sequence for maybe abt 4-5 times again. Got rest is true but it is so sian lol. Need to do national duty soon, not allow to mention too much, sort of a secret. Anyway, another sian thing only that i have to go through to ORD lol. Hope i pass through this monday field camp with least injuries and stop losing things and 1 last impt thing is be healthy when i come back from the field camp on wed nite. REALLY hope for that!!!! Anyway, went to my army first buddy's 21st brithday in sengkang yesterday in the afternoon, then on to watching a movie with few of my ite friends. Ok, i got my first 21st birthday present of my life. Ya, it is from ah kiong, an NDS game! Try the games, quite ok! Today is a short day cause have to book in earlier, also i wake up late at abt 11am. Tomo just sucks. Nothing for now, bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Some thoughts...............
Ok, i am back after what a surprise and unexpected event happened today! Anyway, let's talk about the title of this blog i am going to post today! Went to my secondary best friend's 21st birthday bbq last week, catch up with my sec friends, esp . with my indian friend. We talk n talk, eventually talking abt the future society in singapore. The main thing that is the most worrying is the dating couples in singapore, what they are doing lol which is sex and breaking their virginity at a very young age. This trend had come very true to me, when i heard my army friends talk abt it like water and it is very easy for couples to do that, also like so common, my indian friend which is very religious so when he got to know this from his poly friends, he sort of cannot accept that the society in singapore is going that way and will be more worse in singapore's future, he say he will migrate in the future, he cannot accept such a fact. For me, i think i will try to accept it slowly ba, no choice for me, i guess i cannot leave singapore for this life! Haha! Can you imagine in the future, if you have a daughter who are a boyfriend and already dating a long time and suddenly 1 day, she tells you she's lost her virginity at the age like 16-21, you will think like you have failed to help the society in educating the young and even failed your duty as a parent. Hopefully, if i have a daughter in future, i know i will have to teach her and educate her to avoid her doing things not really right at the certain age. I think not only girls, boys too. Anyway, to all my friends out there, if you are single, next time you guys are with your partners, pls try not be so open and morally we should do it during marriage ba. And to friends having partners, if you have not do so, try to conserve your virginity for better purposes! There's always other things to do to show your love for one another, rather than having sex. Think of what you will say to your kids in future and it will be worse if you have a daughter next time. Do you want them to follow in your footsteps? Ok, back to army, coming to end of march already huh, today actually got Armour infantry platoon live firing but got cancel because of something big involving a search for a person. i guess you guys should guess it already. Anyway, i cannot reveal too much, it is sort of a secret. That's gd anyway. Got to book out and continue to enjoy my 'long weekend'! haha!! Ok, update again!!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
March is a boring n busy month for my army life lol.........
i think i will hate the next 2 months ba, 2 weeks 1 field camp, all the way till the last one that ends in 10 april lol. The first one is 2 weeks from now 11 march lol. So sian, aiyah, sucks lol! Anyway, bored so just now, look through everyone in my friendster, actually mainly to see who is in NS, yesterday also went to look around for couples of my ite friends to see how is everyone doing in their love life. Found out a lot, some week to week got update. Anyway, know that lyon n jane are doing very gd, but unfortunately for some end up sadly i guess. Ya talking abt jane, i guess she is doing great n i guess i should be giving my blessings. Ya, 1 more thing, she's getting more n more pretty according to the photos posted on her new blog which i discover surprisingly link from lishan's blog. I guess not a lot of ppl know abt that i guess except her close friends i guess. I think she's getting more n more attractive ba n i got this feeling cause i think my feelings are still there for her i guess. YA, loving is not abt having but abt knowing she's happy. I can only give her my blessings at this point i guess. Also thinking abt my 21st birthday for my life which happens this year in abt 2 months, hopefully nothing happens on that day so i am able to celebrate it cause i think it is 1 of the milestones in life that i come so far lol! It will be a waste if i cannot celebrate it. That's hope through! Back to the same topic, army really sucks! Ya, some much for now. See you guys, take care, bye!!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
It's the shortest month of the year! Ya, another long weekend pass for me.......
Ok, to begin with, it's been quite a long time since i updated, to be exact, it's been 2 weeks. Haha! Nevertheless, i am back again. Ok, this had been a long weekend for me again, this happened 2 times in this shortest month of the year(february), i guess this is the best break i can get in army ba. I came back on wednesday nite after booking out, then went to watch 'jumper' with my brother to make sure the day was not wasted. Haha, i accomplish a lot over this long weekend, gathered with friends, family, finished watching drama, death note 1, spent a lot of valuable time with close ones. Happy, though going back to camp tonite, these few days, time really flies, maybe happy times flies faster ba, haha, good times always end so fast, haha. Time to go back to my army life though. Hope that army life also pass that fast. OK, it is also a good end to the festive mood which had happened from the start of feb. This is the last week of this feb, starting tomo, also a simple week with monday n tuesday more difficult training. wed to friday should be more relax for me ba. Update again, time to go again, bye!!!!!!
Friday, February 08, 2008
Chinese new year 2008 is here, Year of the rat!!!
Firstly, i wish everyone a very happy lunar new year! Year of the rat, ya it is my mother's year then, she was born in the year of rat, coming to 48 years this year.Not to mention, her birthday this year is today which is the second day of CNY, double happiness n celebrations for her i guess. Not getting any younger i guess, getting older n with sickness ard her, hope she can be better and have great health in the future years to come. Ok, back to chinese new year, now is already day 2, day 1 was a great day with visiting n having fun with relatives. Hope this morning for day 2 will be the same only that my brother will be working instead of visting relatives with us. Anyway, i will be getting hongbaos for him n myself then. Anyway, hope to have a wonderful n enjoyable day with my family too. Haha!! Going back to camp only on sunday, it's a long weekend for me, also for me to rest, relax n recharge for the next phrase of training in army which i am not quite involve in which is the tact team training of tanks n armour infantry vehicles. Anyway, let's enjoy CNY first!! Haha!! Hope everyone will have a wonderful new year doing whatever you guys doing, just like me. Enjoy people!!!! Yahooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
After a few days of 'long break', time to go back to army!!
I guess this break was neccassary after a field camp to recover, rest n gather back with friends and family. It was a long time in army from 6 jan-16 jan when i finally book out. My break ends today, going to book in before 9.30pm already. So sian as usual, i guess it is always when i am in the army, i guess for other ppl in my situation also ba. Haha, completed most of the stated like recover, rest n gather back with friends n family. Not bad for a short break, Haha!!! Anyway, time is still continuing with events that are suppose to happen and still the same, doesn't wait for anyone!!! Huh, anyway, have to admit a lot of things are constantly changing every min or even seconds. And people in general are adapting to the changes cause by a lot of factors, be it environment, friends, family, taxes, fees and etc... Different people have different characters, therefore sometimes people have to compromise one another to have really good relationships with one another. Therefore, it is hard to find faults whether people are wrong or right in their thinking. In conclusion, some things you can do to make yourself or others happy, but sometimes might be hard on yourself.... It is hard to explain this part n i don know why!!! Just like the previous blog entry, it is just my feelings on that day, not saying everything is not right or wrong, Yah this is what i meant...Haha, finally figure out how to write these. Therefore, feelings from time to time are different, so whoever i am with, i still feel happy.....Haha!!!!!! LOOK FORWARD again, yup this is it!!!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Memories of sec school...................
Yah, just yesterday i went to my previous sec school, yah it is already a closed down school(Braddell-westlake sec sch) Merge with guangyang sec in 2007 already. The last batch of students is in 2006. anyway, i graduated in 2005 when i took 'o' levels that year. Went there cause went to visit my grandma so just detour over there, very different, rundown n deserted place but the memories still stay as always, the fun, joy n laughter always remain in my memory. The CCA where i learn the most n had the first of my adventures, joining the scouting family. i enjoy myself happily over the years in my scouting life in my sec school. It is a sad thing that my sec school had to come down into history books so early, only 6 years of history. How i wish i could go back every teachers' n founders' day to celebrate together, aiyah!!! Wasted lol!! Just a look back, makes me miss the life i had there, with less love troubles n desperate for L.O.V.E, as friends were more boys than girls lol and worry about money less cause didn't have to care abt birthday presents n gifts for special occasions. Cause we just have to have a gathering in coffeeshops, talk under void decks, play sports like soccer, badminton. Those were the days where my friends and i were the money savers gang, we spent as little as possible, so memorable for me. i just should have enjoy more during that time. Things really change when people around you are different. Thinking back, really did not treasure the time there. Yah , this is human characteristics lol, lost then know how to treasure. Cannot travel back in time to regain lost time, another sad thing huh!! Haha!!!! update again , see you guys!!! haha!!
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